Here are several formulas and rules of thumb that you can use to try and predict your baby's growth at various ages.

Average Newborn Baby

Weight : 7 lb. 5 oz.
Height : 20 in

Predicted Baby Weight

2 weeks : Regained birth weight
5 months : Double birth weight
1 year : Triple birth weight
2 years : Quadruple birth weight

Predicted Baby Height

4 years : Double birth height
13 years : Triple birth height
2-14 years : Height(in) = Age*2.5+30

Predicted Adult Heights For Boys

Adult Height(in) = 27 month height * 2
Adult Height(in) = 6 year height * 1.5
Adult Height(in) = 9 year height * 1.3

Predicted Adult Heights For Girls

Adult Height(in) = 24 month height * 2
Adult Height(in) = 5 year height * 1.5
Adult Height(in) = 8 year height * 1.3

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